Start simple and scale when necessary

Managing donor & constituent relationships effectively is paramount in today's fast-paced business environment. As organizations strive to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline operations, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce have become essential. However, the question arises: should organizations invest in powerful software or consider what some might think as more rudimentary tools like Google Sheets.
While the bells of whistles of new technology may seem enticing, there are significant advantages to be gained from opting for simpler solutions.

Ease of Implementation and Adoption

One of the advantages of this is the ease of implementation and adoption. Many nonprofits are already stretched thin when it comes to staff capacity. More robust software often requires extensive customization and significant time and resources. These will be hours that are not spent pursuing the organization’s mission. On the other hand, more straightforward tools are implemented quickly, allowing organizations to start leveraging the benefits almost immediately. Moreover, employees can quickly adopt and adapt, eliminating the need for extensive training and reducing resistance to change.


CRM software often comes with hefty price tags, requiring significant investments in licenses, hardware, and ongoing maintenance. Even with nonprofit discounts, the total cost with upgrades and integrations can quickly climb. In contrast, simple tools generally have lower upfront costs and offer flexible pricing models, such as subscription-based services. These solutions allow organizations to allocate their resources more efficiently, redirecting funds toward other critical areas of their operations.

Scalability and Flexibility

As organizations grow and customer needs evolve, scaling and adapting becomes crucial. Intricate systems may require additional customizations and integration for scalability, leading to increased development costs and time-consuming processes.

Time-Saving and Focus on Core Competencies

Intricate software often includes numerous features and functionalities that may not align with the specific needs of a business. It’s easy to over-engineer the design and end up with features that are paid for but never utilized. This can also lead to wasted time spent on unnecessary distracting interfaces. Instead, the focus should be on the core functionalities required for effective CRM, enabling businesses.

As a data and software consultant, I enjoy solving more elaborate systems. Sometimes the scope of the metrics, the number of records, and the size of the team require more comprehensive software solutions. However, I often see organizations get caught looking at the fancy tools others use without the context of the actual needs. You can shift to a new platform as you outgrow the current one but scaling down is much more complicated. Get down to the core functions of your organization and use the most accessible tools that support it.